Work Order Building

The purpose of this page is to outline how WO buildings function in SchedulePro. 

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Purpose of Work Order Building

Work Order (WO) buildings was designed so a user could create and manage 1 WO for similar work over an entire building.  This process only works if the work is the same for every unit in the building

When to use

WO buildings should be used when an invoice is intended to be split among an entire building.

When NOT to use

WO Buildings should NOT be used when work being performed is different for each unit or it is not all of the units in the building.  In those cases individual WOs should be used.

Business Rules

WO Buildings will only include units that have not settled or have settled less then 60 day from the current date. In cases where some units have settled more then 60 days and some less, the WO Building will only be created for the ones that are less.

Updating a WO Task will update every WO task in the other units.


iValua will be sent the the information in the Work Order Detail View.  Each WO item will be DIVIDED by the number of units in the building. These items will populate in iValua where they can be compared against the current budget.  In the event the phase activity needs to be change it can be done so in iValua, however it is recommend that the phase activity be confirmed PRIOR to acceptance.  How to change the phase on a work order

*Note that divided item value might not be the same across every unit. In the event that an item can be be perfectly divided 1 unit will be higher/lower so that the total equals the invoice.  

Step-by-step on creating a WO Building (WEB)

  1. Start the process of creating a WO
  2. Check the Building checkbox
  3. Select your Division, Community and Building. (NV Town homes will not be available)
    1. If a schedule is not in SchedulePro it will not be available in WO buildings
  4. Notice the header now says building and gives you an opportunity to see which units will be included
  5. Work Orders should be created for the entire building, not a specific unit. The total will be divided up among every unit equally. 
  6. Once approved you will see a task representing the WO in the schedule.  It will have a B in front of the Vendor name and WO #

Step-by-step on creating a WO Building (iOS)

  1. Click the plus ( + ) to add a new WO
  2. Select Building and allow the screen to update
  3. Select your Division, community and building then click Next
  4. Vendors creating WO will automatically have their information populate, NVR users will have to pick a vendor.  Click Create
  5. Fill out the WO as normal, please note that the DCLU at the top will always show the A unit
  6. Each line item will be DIVIDED up among all of the unit.
  7. Once approved you will see a task representing the WO in the schedule.  It will have a B in front of the Vendor name and WO #

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