Laminated Vinyl Plank (1/3/18)

This is the official notification of the addition of the ALV**** options to Schedulepro and the affected DUC

During automation on 1/4/2018 the system will start to recognize any option starting with ALV as a potential for additional DUCs.  If it measures 4 or more options on a single DCLU, the schedule will receive 1 DUC,  if 3 or less it will not.  Either way a task will be inserted into the schedule named "Laminated Vinyl Plank" only if the task is in the template calendar that was used to create the schedule.

This logic mirrors Ceramic and Hardwood except it needs to be in 4 or more areas of the house.

*If you are using local or regional codes you will not get the DUC or the task (i.e. 555,777,999,etc)

Important points

  • The task is in every template hopper.
  • Extra DUC and task will only be added if task is in template calendar when automation is run.
  • Phase 335k is turned ON for the task.
  • New Option will be added to Att 2.2G later this month.(Jan18)
  • This will affect all schedules in the backlog and under construction as of 1/4/2018.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open Template
  2. Find task in hopper
  3. Place (drag) task on day you want it to appear (perform this in every template that might need the LVP task)
  4. Wait for nightly automation (runs every night expect for Friday)
  5. Confirm task is in the schedule the day after automation has run
  6. Confirm extra DUC has been added to additional DUC task (if applicable)
  7. If you have questions please reach out to your /wiki/spaces/SS/pages/633078404