Blown Insulation - 232K

Blown Insulation - 232K

Added 2/17/2019

At the request of the RCCMs the phase 232K (Blown Insulation - Combo) has been added to the task "Attic Insulation"

To start using this phase with that task you will need to perform the following steps.

  1. Turn on the phase on the Division Phase activity page, if you do not know how click HERE
  2. Perform a phase activity refresh on any schedule that you want these changes to apply, if you do not know how click HERE
  3. Any NEW schedule created will automatically get the new phase activity. 

*If you are going to start using the new phase please be sure to turn OFF all other phases for this task.  Failure to do so will reduce the positive impact on Phase Completion in the system.

If you have questions, please contact your SchedulePro Area Lead.