Master Set Blueprints and Truss Drawings

Master Set Blueprints and Truss Drawings

(Email Sent on 7/31)


We are pleased to announce that Master Set Blueprints will available via SchedulePro WEB and Mobile App (iOS) starting 8/6/18.  Users will be able to access these prints in their entirety from SchedulePro WEB or IOS (mobile app).  Please reference the support site, links below, for a full list of features and benefits.  We also would like to add that Truss Drawings will be available via the Electronic Drawings button.  Truss availability will be a rolling change as they are only refreshed when options are updated starting 8/3.

Master Set Blueprints

Truss Drawings


All questions about the contents of blueprints should be directed towards the support team.

Elec DWG Support ElecDWGSupport@nvrinc.com


Missing Master Set Drawings should contact Support.SchedulePro@nvrinc.com or your Area Lead.


SchedulePro Support Team