How to find an Archived Community

The archive process is to help improve system performance as well as reduce the number of communities a user needs to scroll through. 

Business Rule:

A community becomes Archived when the community is no longer in the nightly feed.  This roughly happens 45 days after the last house settles.  In the event a community has a dry spell between the last house settling and the next house being sold the community will become archived.  However once a new lot appears in the feed the community will revert back to an active status.

WEB Archive Communities

Step-by-step guide 

  1. Go to the page/report that requires a division/community selection
  2. Look for your community in the available window
  3. If not present then click on the "Show Archived Communities" check box
  4. Select your community(s)
  5. Click OK/Execute/etc

iOS Archive Communities

Step-by-step guide 

  1. Clicks settings in the toolbar
  2. Click Divisions/Communities
  3. Toggle the Show Archived Communities to ON (As shown)
  4. Community counts will increase to show archived communities
  5. Select your division and click next
  6. Use as normal

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