How to Add/Remove a Community or Municipality Option on a Single lot

If you ever need to manual add a community or municipality option to a single lot


Inspection Task

TH/CO Unit Order

Muni/NSO Days

Cottage Veneers

Starting 4/1/18 NSO options should not be added to Simply Ryan Products

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click on the schedule you need to update from the schedule summary view
  2. Click on the Options button
  3. Click on the Manual Options Tab
  4. Check the box next to resilient floors, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Update”
    1. Click “OK”
  5. Verify task was added in schedule
    1. Please note that options that add DUC might not have a task populate in the schedule, in that case look at the Additional DUC task to make sure the days were added.