How to Create/Post a News Announcement

The purpose of this page is to guide you through the steps to create/post a news announcement in SchedulePro

Non admin level accounts do not have the ability to create news

Emails sometimes do not reach NVR inboxes for 30-45 mins due to filters. 

Step-by-step guide

Click on the bell in the upper right hand corner in the navigation bar

Click the View All News button

Click on News Administration button (not all users have this button, if you do not then you are not permitted to create news)

Click the Plus sign " + " 

Set your date range in which you want the news announcement to be visible

Select your audience, please remember that if you click Vendors then you WILL NOT get the notification.

Select Local if you are from any division or region

If your want your message to be emailed, click on the email checkbox (note that attachments WILL NOT be emailed)

Pick your title, your title will be visible within SchedulePro but not on the email. Best practice is to copy and paste your title to the top of your message body as well.

Create your message. Always include the following

  1. Division(s) be sure to list the division code and name (i.e. WAW - Washington West) If applicable
  2. Community(s) be sure to list the Community code(s) and name (i.e. MO - Morley's Corner) If applicable
  3. POC - Always include a point of contact with either a phone number and/or email. 
  4. If you are going to attach a document do not say "see attached" in the body of your message, users are not sent files but have to log into the system to retrieve them.

  1. Select which division(s) you want your message to go to (you will only see division you have access to)
  2. Select your phase(s)
    1. If your audience is NVR then select No Phase Activity (misc)
    2. If you audience is Vendor then pick which phases you want to receive the message, DO NOT send to all if the message is specific to a certain vendor
    3. If your audience is Everyone then be sure to use a combination of the above
  3. Attach a document if applicable, system will only allow 1 attachment, if necessary put all attachments into zip file or other document.
  4. When done click Create, if create button is not highlighted then a field is missing, clicking cancel will not create the news annoucement. There is no save button.

Blank News Form