How to change attention field in Work Orders (Extras)

The process below outlines how to add or remove someone from the attention field in a work order

  • Anyone can remove and add a users
  • Adjusting the attention can only happen when the WO is Pending (Waiting for approval) and Open
  • Users added will recieve an email notification, users removed will not
  • Creators of the WO can not be removed from a WO

Step-by-step guide - WEB (mobile app steps below)

Locate the WO you wish to adjust, you can do that by going to the Work Order Summary page and running the report

  1. Once open, go the attention field,
    1. if you wish to add someone simply type the "@" symbol and start typing their name, click on who you want
    2. if you want to delete someone place the mouse cursor in front of their name and click the delete button
    3. The creator can not be removed from a WO
  2. Go to the bottom of the page and click the Save button
  3. The person added to the WO will be notified via email, the person removed will not receive a notification.


Step-by-step guide - Mobile App (iOS)

Open the SchedulePro Work Order mobile app (iOS)

  1. Locate the Wo you wish to adjust and open it
  2. Click on the Greater than symbol to the right of the names
  3. If you wish to remove someone click on the trash can icon next to their name, if you wish to add someone click on the plus sign to the right
  4. If adding a vendor then select their name and click DONE
  5. If adding a NVR user then select their name and click DONE 
    1. Suggested user as based on people who have taken action on the lot
  6. The assignees window should be updated, once confirmed, click DONE
  7. You will return to the main Work Order detail screen, to complete the process click SAVE
  8. Any user who is added will be notified, any user who is removed will not.