How to UPDATE your Password, Division Access, Phone Number, Name.

When you need to reset your pass, or update your profile information follow the steps below

You must be on a chrome web browser in order to verify your password.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Log into

  2. Click "My Profile" - located in the navigation bar

  3. Highlight the password field and start typing a new password. Once done, click "Update"

    1. Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length, and must include one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and a number

    2. (note that the number of ****** does not represent the characters of your password)

    3. This is also how you can update your Name, Phone number and Division Access

      1. *Be sure to NOT include ANY special characters in your phone number. e.g. (xxx) or xxx-xxx-xxxx

  4. Once your profile has been updated, click OK

    1. If all steps are completed properly and your password meets the requirements, you will see an update Successful Message

  5. If your password does not meet the requirements, you will see a save failed message. Please proceed to enter a valid password and click update.

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