How to turn a Phase/Activity on in SchedulePro

The process outlined below is used to turn a phase activity draw ON for a specific task. This is often used if there is a phase misalignment or you need to change what tasks a vendor can see. 

This page DOES NOT turn a task on, the task is always visible.

This process is very dangerous, only someone who is knowledgeable about the process should follow the steps below. If you do not know, then please contact your SchedulePro Area Lead or Shared Service Center contact for direction.

Changes on this page will only affect NEW schedules created after the change was made.

Only user with the security profile of Local Admin, PM, Reg PM can make changes on this page.

This page is also good when trying to see who might see the task.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click Templates in the Navigation bar, then click Division Phase Activities

  2. Click on the hamburger menu in the far left side of the Action bar 

  3. Click Div/Comm

  4. Select the division you want to adjust (selecting a community is optional)

    1. Selecting a community shows you the setup of the Community Vendor Table (CVT) from the previous day.

  5. Any change to this page affects all communities in the division, it is best to only change 1 division at a time.

  6. Sort each column to limit the amount of rows on your screen. DO NOT make changes to the sort after you have adjusted the status of a task

  7. Sort by task name and/or phase

  8. After you have made your changes, click confirm in the upper right hand corner of the screen

    1. Confirm that the changes you have just made are correct and then click OK. If you click cancel your changes will not be made.

  9. Any new schedule that contains this task will have the corresponding phase Activity Draw assigned to it. 

  10. To affect schedules already in the system, please see how to do a Phase Activity Refresh page.