How to add a task to an existing Schedule

The process outlined below helps a user add a task to an existing schedule to correct a lot specific misalignment without having to Refresh or Purge the schedule. 

NOTE:  The following steps will only correct a single schedule. The template that the schedule was created from must be updated as well, so future schedules are correct.

 The following types of tasks can be added.

  • Base Tasks (not tied to an option)
  • Option Task (Community)
  • Option Task (UCS)

*Schedules created from deleted templates can now have tasks added*

Step-by-step guide

  1. Click the “ i “ button located in the upper left hand corners

2. Click the ”Add Tasks” button in the lower right hand corner of the lightbox

3.Select the task you want to add to your schedule, then click “Add Tasks” (Add Tasks button will become selectable, once task selected).  Fill in Start and End Date of where you want to place the task in your schedule. Every task that is not an inspection task will be available to select.

4. Click “Reload Schedule”

 Detail Description of Task Add Page

  1. DCLU of the schedule you plan on adding the task.
  2. Link that takes you to the template that created the schedule. If the template is deleted it will tell you.
  3. Search box – Searches possible tasks in the field below.
  4. List of tasks that can be added-use scroll bar to see full list.
  5. Start Date/End Date – Defaults to the current date, if the dates are different then it represents a duration of the delta
  6. Ph Act – Phase activity being assigned to the task
  7. If no phase activity is listed, then the division phase activity page needs to be updated (contact your PM/CCM)
  8. To remove a task from being added to the schedule (this does not remove existing tasks on the schedule)
  9. Clicking “Add Tasks” will add the tasks above to the schedule. It takes about 3-5 seconds per task being added. Please do not leave the page.

Template Page when trying to Add a Task

An accurate template is the starting point to eliminate future misalignments.  Once a misalignment is corrected on a schedule for a specific DCLU,

the next step is to correct the template.

  1. Tasks in the Hopper- Tasks listed in the hopper are not currently in the template but are available to use and will show up in the add task list.
  2. Base tasks will always show up in the add task list.
  3. Option Driven tasks will now show up in the add task list.
    1. Community-Needs to be selected under the Manual Options tab
    2. UCS-Needs to be selected in UCS (Atlas). Requires a night of automation to update the schedule.
  4. Clicking “DONE” will take user back to the schedule (Calendar View)

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Work Order Process (SOP)

Model Tasks

How to update a task (Status and Durations

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