How to Use Microsoft Steps Recorder (NVR)

This application when turned on (Start Recording) documents all clicks and takes screenshots for a process you are performing on your computer by recording each action line by line. A user can then save the recorded information into one file and send to someone else for help. It is particularly useful when trying to describe and/or diagnose an issue someone is having on their computer, such as an apparent bug or issue when using SchedulePro.

*Note: Steps Recorder does not record the keystrokes for text input so users do not have to worry about exposing a password when logging in to an application while the recorder is running.

How to use Steps Recorder

Microsoft Tutorial Link:

Youtube Link:

Example File:

  1. Search for the Program in the search bar on your laptop and open the program

  2. Navigate to the settings of the program and change Number of recent Screen Captures to store to 100 and click OK

  3. When you are ready to begin the recording hit start recording

  4. When you are finished recording, once you hit stop recording, a window will appear to show you what you have recorded and give you the option to save

  5. This will save it as a zip file that you can then send to us to examine and attempt to resolve your issue